lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


I nominate Itze's blog liked her proposal she wants to have mariage of the same sex I agree with that statement we are all equal and we shold be treated equaly.
Bianca's proposal was very good and I think it will help many people pay their college degree.But where will she take that money that she is going to pay the student is she going to raise taxes?
I like Nicolle's proposal for people with disability they need more rights and education fairly and not based on how they look or act.
Genderie's I agree with her  their are still some places that promote segregation a still discriminate I will add that anyone who tries to promote this theire stores should imidiatley be closed.
Jennyliam proposal was very good iI agree with her teenagers should have the right to vote  if we are capable to go to war we should be allowed to decide who rules the cuntry.
Mariah's proposal was important I have had personal experince with people discriminating against women by aunt has a job that not many women do and she has being discriminated.
I nominate Carol's proposal for rights of the criminal she sates that they have to have more time in prison.
Mandy's proposal was very interest I agree with him we should all have equal rights no matter our skin color . race or ethnicitie.
Juan'sproposal was very good and I agree with him because immigarnats should be deny the right to be free and trevel to whatever place they want.
I nominate Roxanne's proposal because I as a Puertorican think that is fair that we need rights .

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Bibliography :) !

Proposal !

  The Elderly people of america have many rights but there are still problems that are being forgotten by society regarding the elderly. In this essay I will make a proposal for my fellow Congress members for the rights and equality of the elderly people of america.

  Elderly people are sometimes forgotten by their family members and don't have money to cover  their medications , food money and shelter. They sometimes have to choose weather to pay the medication that they are require to take buy food or pay rent . To resolve this problem I will propose to make a 28 Amendment stating that "All member of the family this meaning son/ daughter of a person ages 60+ that are not capable to covering the basic need that they need will need to pass a monthly allowance to the elderly mom / dad ". This new Amendment will help elderly people improve their life style .cover the basic needs and decreases elderly poverty.

What happends if their family dont have money to pay the allowence ?

Well int his case they will have to pass the goverment proof that their not capable of passing the allowence. They will have to help the elderly in any way this meanning cooking , helping around the house , giving them transpotantion , or just guarding them and looking out for their safety.

 Another problem that is still being debated is weather or not elderly people should have the right to drive.Many elderly that mental and physical disease  still drive because they need transportation . This can be dangerous to they're lives and to those who are around them they can cause accident or get resolve this problem I will make a new Amendment stating that "When people reach an age 60+ they should take a test to see if they are physically and mentally able to drive if they don't pass the test there driving licenses will be suspended ".

How will they get transportation ?

 There will be an increase in the bus transportation service this will also help in job oportunities for other people. There will be also taxiz in the hospitals were they can get tranportation for theyre doctors apointment ect. Also they will be in the groceseris stores , casino's ect .

Change !

 In the present the elderly have many rights regarding their safety,discrimination and healthcare .In the past they had no right and were seen like on useful to society.There still have to make more rights regarding the elderly because they sometimes are mistreated and forgotten.
  In the past there were no private health care and many elderly didn't have health care . Now everybody needs to have health care no matter their race, sex age or social status. In the past elderly people were discriminated when looking for a job if there was a young women competing with an elderly women they will usually hired the young women. Other just put an age limit for the job . In the present their is a law against thediscrimination of elderly people and also they have the right to retired at age 50+ if they have or feel mentally or physically weak or if they have a disease they are paid by the government social security.In the present their is a debate on weather or not elderly people should be allowed to drive in the future they could make a law that states that elderly people should renew their license and see if they are truly capable of driving on their own.  

 In conclusion elderly people throwout the years have gain many rights but still need more and some should be renew . There are some laws of the elderly that don't take into consideration the lower class elderly people that need help and don't have social security and are not capable to get a health care plan.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Struggle & Activism

   The Elderly people are very peaceful when fighting for their rights as human beings. Over the curse of time many discrimination of elderly people have surface and lots of groups have emerge defending them.Int he following essay I will describe how the elderly people have fought for their rights and the deferent methods they used .

  The Gray Panthers movement in 1971 advocated nursing home reform and fighting ageism. The group over the years have organized peaceful marches also the suede pharmaceutical companies Also the AARP have made marches and had won plenty of law suite regarding the elderly . Many elderly don't have the strength to physically fight for their rights and are to peaceful to do it instead they use a nonviolent method to protest like marches, law suits etc . 

In conclusion the elderly people have  fought for their rights in a peaceful way threw non violent marches and law suites.Some elderly people don't have the strengths to physically fight so they use this methods.No matter how old you are you have a voice and it will be heard . 

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Mistreatment of Elderly People

   Elderly people in america have been mistreated for many years and are still being mistreated even though  their are laws that go against it. They are sometimes discriminated when they go to look for jobs , some don't have a good health care or don't have one at all ,others are physically abuse .The AAPR has help elderly people fight for their rights and vulnerable older people meet their everyday needs. This essay will describe the elderly people of American struggle.

  In 1947 private health insurance was unable to older Americans. This meant that elderly people afford or pursue healthcare on their own didn't have one .The founder of AARP approached many insurance companies until she found one that was willing to take the risk and insured older people. In the 1960 ageism refers to a systematic discrimination toward a group of people based on chronological age .Elderly people were thought as useless to society simply because some of them may need more care than the average person. These sometimes lead to degrading treatment, inequality and, sometimes, abuse. The Gray Panthers, one of the more remarkable movements to were a pressure group for the rights and dignity of the aged. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 An Act to prohibit age discrimination in employment.

 In conclusion Elderly people were thought as useless to society simply because some of them may need more care than the average person.Thsi is gong agaisnt the huma civil rights that sates that "he human right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, shelter and clothing".

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Hunry in America, Part 1 : A little goes a Long Way :)

Hungry in America Part 2 : Hard Choices

What do you need the most? Shelter? Heat? Food?


   The AARP formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons is a group founded in 1958. With over 38 million people that are members of this group much of them being 50 years of age or older. It is a strong group that has been together for over 53 years.The group has AARP magazines, AARP book , AAR TV and radio were elderly people can get all the information they need. This following essay will describe the AARP. 

 The AARP tries to better the life's of elderly people especial in the areas of healthcare, worker equity and minority affairs. It sponsors community crime  prevention programs research on the problems of aging and a mail-order pharmacy. The advocacy group has a budget of over $925,000,000 .AARP has offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

  Many older Americans are facing financial problems they have to skip meals or cut prescription medicines in half or not even take them at all due to the financial problems. Many are also dealing with the loss of their spouse, their friends and even their purpose in life.Th AARP is an foundation that helps the people who fall through the safety net and struggle to meet their most basic needs.

 For more infromation go to :) !

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Blog's You Should Read :) !

Paola's blog - Was very goood it had alot of useful information. I agree ith her when she says taht the Native Amrican's were traeted poorly by the American settler.I dont have any negative critisism towards here blog it was ver good. The thing that surprise me the most in her blog was the quote that stated "Native Americans were peaceful people who promoted tranquility, they even moved to Canada to avoid any fighting with the white Americans " this is veryy true.

Carolina's Blog - This her essay was very interesting since the begining i got caught up with her tittle.I totally agree with her when she says "Native Americans were showed as the “bad ones” according to many movies, they were the ones who were cruel to the whites and did not share their lands with the whites". Its very interestin if you need any help with native American and the way they were treated you should totally check her blog . :))

Katherine's Blog- Her blog has the same theme as mine the assimilation of Native American's this is a very interesting and controversial theme. Many people think the Americans were helping them but they were only making it worst.

Francisco's Blog-  His blog was super interesting and very deatailed . I agree with this quote when he says "
Many movies where they show Indians are savages and killed many people are so called stereotypes. The white men and the Indians used to get  along good I mean real good". I recomed this bolg to everybody you will enjoy reading it .

Ivania's Blog-  I agree with Ivania the Native Americans were forced to move away from their land they didnt have any choice. It was very interesting to read her blog I like that she use examples from the way the Native American lived.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The Native American Assimilation

     The U.S government wanted the Native Americans to assimilate or become like them.
They thought of the Native Americans as less educated, savages and uncivilized just because they had a totally different culture and religion. The government obligated the Native Americans to change their way a life, religion, and culture. The following essay will describe how the U.S government obligated the Native Americans to assimilate.

     The Native American culture was totally different from that of the white Americans.
They believed in medicine men, didn’t have schools, believed land could not be owned, sold or bought and didn’t have a government, law and order. Indians didn’t want to sell their land the government though the best way of dealing with the Indians was to turn them into ''civilized'' Christian farmers. The U.S government obligated the Indians to convert to Christianity, mad them learn English, dress like a white American and to adapt to a whole new culture.

      The U.S government went totally against the Ghost Dance Religion of the Native American. This religion was the belief that the earth will perish and then come alive again in a pure stage were only the Indians will ruled including the dead. The government was alarmed a thought the Indians will do something to get ride of the white Americans. In December 1890 the Ghost Dance religious was banned. This goes totally against the first amendment which prohibits the making of any law “respecting an establishment of religion",

   Not many Indians were happy with the prohibition of the religion and they started rites in Pine Ridge and other reservations. The white officials soon got involved and sent military troops to the reservations. This only made the situation worst the Native Americans started to send messages to other tribes to join but this ended in failure. In December 29 1890 the Wounded Knee massacre occurred many Native Americans were killed.

   In conclusion the white Americans wanted the Native Americans to change their ways of life, they’re culture and religion. They obligated the Indians to convert to Christianity, dress like a white american , go to school, change their name to a Cristian name and learn english. This most haved been hard since the native American had to adapt to a new completely different culture and blend in with the white american society .

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

My classmates blog :))

I went to read Bianca 's blog and the first thing that cut my eyes was her blog of the jurnal it was very interesting I really thought I was reading a journal made by a real Italian imigrant in that time. In Randy 's blog I learned that people are being detain in an island were they are treated badly y agree with Randy when he says and I quote "It is very lamentable how so many people were held as prisoners for trying to be free and happy." Paola's blog also was very interesting I learn that she has some Brtazilian heritage and Spain that is very cool like most of us she has a Spain last name since they came to Puerto Rico and mix with the Indians .In Karlitza 's blog  I learn the History on why the Japanesse immigrated to the USA and why life for the Japannese was hard . I agree with Karlitza when she says "Life seemed hard for Japanese Immigrants so It made me view immigration as a better opportunity but at the same time as something risky" it so true once I made my blog and investigated more about Irish immigration and their life it really made me apretiate my life here in PR and that I havent had to move to any other cuntry.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

My Family Immigration History

I dont know mush of my family history I dedicate to look for my family immigration history. My paternal last name is Sanchez comes from spain and was brought by the Spaniards to Puerto Rico . My maternal last name is Hernandez it is also Spanish .

Current Immigration Problems

I think this unfair for the Mexicans and discriminating just because a police thinks you look "illegal" he can detain you and make you show him your identification . Also it is discriminating because mexicans students can't take any classes that can incite them to rebel against the government.In my opinion Mexicans had immigrated to the USA and always will . They should open the border for everyone can get in and out the two countries and leave in peace .  

Abie's Diary

Monday October 10 1854

-It was monday morning and my dad came earlier then usual to wake me up.He told me that we were moving to the USA without an explanation or reason. I didn't ask because the look on his face was as if he wouldn't tell me. I went and pack the few thing I had a shirt , one pair of pants and my teddy bear that reminds me of my mother who past away. I went to my big brother Blarney and asked him why we were moving he told something about potatoes that I didn't get . Why were potatoes the cause of my moving to the USA ?

Thursday October 12 1854
Today we are in the port of Dublin it took us three days to walk to Dublin . I was hearing Blarney made up stories and father telling us of his life when he was boy. We were with different Irish family who were like us moving to the USA. I keep hearing the grown ups around me talk about " The American Dream"  I wonder what it is . I imagine it to be a long beautiful dream that you would never want to wake up to like those I have when I sleep.

Sunday October 16 1854

We arrived to Manhattan New York to our new home I was so happy . We lived one room apartment were there wasn't sun light in the house we had only one tiny window. I am sad for my grandpa and grandma and my cousins who had to stay in Ireland my father said that when he earns enough money we will bring them hear to live with us that calm me down a little bit. There wasn't sun light in the house we had only one tiny window. The first night in the new house made me miss my old one at least I had a little bed here although  i had to share it with my father and brother.

Monday October 17 1854

 Dad got out of bed and told me he was going to look for a job he told to keep an eye on Blarney. It was the first time he tells me to most of the time it was Blarney keeping an eye on me . I was thinking of getting a job too since I am big girl know. Father came late that day he had a worried look on his face he told he got a job in the construction of a bridge. I told father that I wanted to work in a clothe factory across the street that had a sign up that said "Jobs Available For Little Irish Girls " what a coincidence.

Thursday October 20 1854

 My first day of work I was exited  I enter the factory and the first thing I see is a little girl lying on the floor asking me for water . I didn't had water since the first thing they told me when i got the job was not to bring water nor food. My job was to clean the floor , bathroom , and machines. I worked 2 days straight without sleeping or eating . Some of the girls I worked with were Irish too others were German and Chinese few were  Americans.

Saturday October 22 1854

I made a friend today at work her name in Claire she is irish too she a little older then me . Claire has been working in the factory for 1 year she tells me that she is tired of working hear and that she hates it. We talked four hours but still managing to get our work done. Claire told me she was feeling sick and that she hasn't eat like in 3 days . Suddenly as I am talking to her about my favorite color she fell to the floor. The boss came and took her to room she never got out.....

Monday January 1855

A year has pass and a lot of things happened I keep working in the factory and it is miserable then ever . I don't get to see my father that often since we are working all the time . My brother went back to Ireland because he hates his life here I miss him so much . I want to wake up from this american nightmare.


Italian Immigration to the USA " The American Dream "

 In the 19th century agriculture was the main industry of Ireland . A large part of England was owned by wealthy landowner who rented a small part of their land to farmers that work for them and got paid eight pence a day. Some people weren't that lucky and didn't have any land began to move to the USA.

  In October of 1845 a plague began among the potatoes in Ireland . This  caused the Irish Potatoes Famine it was a period of massive starvation and disease because many people depended on potatoes for being the chief food in Ireland. Many people die of starvation a disease this made many people immigrate to the USA.By the end of 1854 nearly two million people about a quarter of the Irish population had immigrated to the United States.

 Many Irish immigrants were very poor and came to the USA with only hope of living the American dream. Some of the poorest lived in lower Manhattan in New York . They lived in basements, cellars, and one-room apartments lacking natural light and ventilation and frequently flooded with sewage. Others worked in the construction of new canals and rails. Another job that many Irish to were coal miners in Pennsylvania the working condition in the mine were horrible with no safety.

 In conclusion life was hard for some Irish immigrants they lived and work in horrible conditions. Many of them in the desperate search for a job they would get the lowest and most horrible job and get paid very little. Even though The Irish came to the USA they didn't changed their costumes,beliefs and religion.

               An Irish family arriving in the USA

                         Irish men working 



