lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Proposal !

  The Elderly people of america have many rights but there are still problems that are being forgotten by society regarding the elderly. In this essay I will make a proposal for my fellow Congress members for the rights and equality of the elderly people of america.

  Elderly people are sometimes forgotten by their family members and don't have money to cover  their medications , food money and shelter. They sometimes have to choose weather to pay the medication that they are require to take buy food or pay rent . To resolve this problem I will propose to make a 28 Amendment stating that "All member of the family this meaning son/ daughter of a person ages 60+ that are not capable to covering the basic need that they need will need to pass a monthly allowance to the elderly mom / dad ". This new Amendment will help elderly people improve their life style .cover the basic needs and decreases elderly poverty.

What happends if their family dont have money to pay the allowence ?

Well int his case they will have to pass the goverment proof that their not capable of passing the allowence. They will have to help the elderly in any way this meanning cooking , helping around the house , giving them transpotantion , or just guarding them and looking out for their safety.

 Another problem that is still being debated is weather or not elderly people should have the right to drive.Many elderly that mental and physical disease  still drive because they need transportation . This can be dangerous to they're lives and to those who are around them they can cause accident or get resolve this problem I will make a new Amendment stating that "When people reach an age 60+ they should take a test to see if they are physically and mentally able to drive if they don't pass the test there driving licenses will be suspended ".

How will they get transportation ?

 There will be an increase in the bus transportation service this will also help in job oportunities for other people. There will be also taxiz in the hospitals were they can get tranportation for theyre doctors apointment ect. Also they will be in the groceseris stores , casino's ect .

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