lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Change !

 In the present the elderly have many rights regarding their safety,discrimination and healthcare .In the past they had no right and were seen like on useful to society.There still have to make more rights regarding the elderly because they sometimes are mistreated and forgotten.
  In the past there were no private health care and many elderly didn't have health care . Now everybody needs to have health care no matter their race, sex age or social status. In the past elderly people were discriminated when looking for a job if there was a young women competing with an elderly women they will usually hired the young women. Other just put an age limit for the job . In the present their is a law against thediscrimination of elderly people and also they have the right to retired at age 50+ if they have or feel mentally or physically weak or if they have a disease they are paid by the government social security.In the present their is a debate on weather or not elderly people should be allowed to drive in the future they could make a law that states that elderly people should renew their license and see if they are truly capable of driving on their own.  

 In conclusion elderly people throwout the years have gain many rights but still need more and some should be renew . There are some laws of the elderly that don't take into consideration the lower class elderly people that need help and don't have social security and are not capable to get a health care plan.

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