jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Abie's Diary

Monday October 10 1854

-It was monday morning and my dad came earlier then usual to wake me up.He told me that we were moving to the USA without an explanation or reason. I didn't ask because the look on his face was as if he wouldn't tell me. I went and pack the few thing I had a shirt , one pair of pants and my teddy bear that reminds me of my mother who past away. I went to my big brother Blarney and asked him why we were moving he told something about potatoes that I didn't get . Why were potatoes the cause of my moving to the USA ?

Thursday October 12 1854
Today we are in the port of Dublin it took us three days to walk to Dublin . I was hearing Blarney made up stories and father telling us of his life when he was boy. We were with different Irish family who were like us moving to the USA. I keep hearing the grown ups around me talk about " The American Dream"  I wonder what it is . I imagine it to be a long beautiful dream that you would never want to wake up to like those I have when I sleep.

Sunday October 16 1854

We arrived to Manhattan New York to our new home I was so happy . We lived one room apartment were there wasn't sun light in the house we had only one tiny window. I am sad for my grandpa and grandma and my cousins who had to stay in Ireland my father said that when he earns enough money we will bring them hear to live with us that calm me down a little bit. There wasn't sun light in the house we had only one tiny window. The first night in the new house made me miss my old one at least I had a little bed here although  i had to share it with my father and brother.

Monday October 17 1854

 Dad got out of bed and told me he was going to look for a job he told to keep an eye on Blarney. It was the first time he tells me to most of the time it was Blarney keeping an eye on me . I was thinking of getting a job too since I am big girl know. Father came late that day he had a worried look on his face he told he got a job in the construction of a bridge. I told father that I wanted to work in a clothe factory across the street that had a sign up that said "Jobs Available For Little Irish Girls " what a coincidence.

Thursday October 20 1854

 My first day of work I was exited  I enter the factory and the first thing I see is a little girl lying on the floor asking me for water . I didn't had water since the first thing they told me when i got the job was not to bring water nor food. My job was to clean the floor , bathroom , and machines. I worked 2 days straight without sleeping or eating . Some of the girls I worked with were Irish too others were German and Chinese few were  Americans.

Saturday October 22 1854

I made a friend today at work her name in Claire she is irish too she a little older then me . Claire has been working in the factory for 1 year she tells me that she is tired of working hear and that she hates it. We talked four hours but still managing to get our work done. Claire told me she was feeling sick and that she hasn't eat like in 3 days . Suddenly as I am talking to her about my favorite color she fell to the floor. The boss came and took her to room she never got out.....

Monday January 1855

A year has pass and a lot of things happened I keep working in the factory and it is miserable then ever . I don't get to see my father that often since we are working all the time . My brother went back to Ireland because he hates his life here I miss him so much . I want to wake up from this american nightmare.


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