jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Italian Immigration to the USA " The American Dream "

 In the 19th century agriculture was the main industry of Ireland . A large part of England was owned by wealthy landowner who rented a small part of their land to farmers that work for them and got paid eight pence a day. Some people weren't that lucky and didn't have any land began to move to the USA.

  In October of 1845 a plague began among the potatoes in Ireland . This  caused the Irish Potatoes Famine it was a period of massive starvation and disease because many people depended on potatoes for being the chief food in Ireland. Many people die of starvation a disease this made many people immigrate to the USA.By the end of 1854 nearly two million people about a quarter of the Irish population had immigrated to the United States.

 Many Irish immigrants were very poor and came to the USA with only hope of living the American dream. Some of the poorest lived in lower Manhattan in New York . They lived in basements, cellars, and one-room apartments lacking natural light and ventilation and frequently flooded with sewage. Others worked in the construction of new canals and rails. Another job that many Irish to were coal miners in Pennsylvania the working condition in the mine were horrible with no safety.

 In conclusion life was hard for some Irish immigrants they lived and work in horrible conditions. Many of them in the desperate search for a job they would get the lowest and most horrible job and get paid very little. Even though The Irish came to the USA they didn't changed their costumes,beliefs and religion.

               An Irish family arriving in the USA

                         Irish men working 





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